Wednesday, July 23, 2008

July 2008...Mummy now I've Gone Away

Mummy I see you grieve for me,
For now I've gone away.
I understand you'll miss me so,
We expect death another day.

Remember me the way I was
Your sweetest little one.
With my captivating smile,
Your heart I always won.

The years went by so quickly,
Learning new things from you.
Enjoying many adventures,
Under your guidance I grew.

Now I have no worries
About having to grow old.
I hope many happy stories
Of my life may still be told.

Each morning when you wake,
And a tear for me you shed,
Thank God for loaning me to you,
And for the love we shared.

He's our Father, He understands,
He saw His Son die too.
He will be your comfort...
He shall your happiness renew.

Now Mummy please remember,
Although we're far apart;

With each memory you have of me,
You'll feel me in your heart.

(By Doreen Hardie)
Written for my dear friend Lis on the loss of her 27 year old daughter,
22/09/1980 - 17/07/2008.
No words can express the grief we feel, with you at the loss of Victoria.
She is not far away, with each memory, in our hearts she'll stay.

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