Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 2008...Father's Day

Fathers are a lot of fun,
Keeping their children on the run.
Always finding something for them to do,
Teaching them to discover things that are new.
As children get older, Dad's tactics change,
He shows them how their life to arrange.
Independence is what they must learn,
So they can cope with life's every turn.
Then they are ready to flee the nest,
Dad is proud, they've turned out the best.
But he's just a phone call away,
To give advice, and be there to pray.
He will always love his little ones,
His grown up daughters and his sons.
God blessed him with these special gifts,
Many a time his memory to them drifts.
Even when Dads' hair begins to grey,
His children listen to what he has to say.
Wisdom over the years he has learned.
Respect from his children he has earned.
Remember your Dad this Father's Day,
Young or old, we all should say,
"Dad I love you, and thank you for being you!
I'll be praying for you in all that you do!"
(By Doreen Hardie)

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