Tuesday, October 09, 2012

October 2012...Walking In The Spirit

I am just a simple man
Seeking the Lord's face.
My ordinary everyday life is hard
Causing me to fall from grace.
But I serve a merciful God
Who never leaves me alone.
His Holy Spirit walks with me
Through Him, to God, in prayer I groan.
I am merely a blind man,
God's Spirit teaches me to see
All the wonders He has made;
His spiritual world I appreciate and revere.
As a follower of Christ,
The Spirit teaches me to grow
So that I can bear His fruits
And gifts of love, kindness and patience sow.
Without God's Spirit within me
How could I be an instrument in His hand?
He is my strength and inspiration
Guiding me, God's Kingdom to expand.
(By Doreen Hardie)

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