Monday, May 30, 2011

May 2011...Mrs P's Legacy

I've walked the roads of life,
Some short, some long.
I've visited people and places,
I know where I belong.

I've seen the joy of peace,
I've witnessed the ravages of war.
I've cried with those in grief,
And I've learnt how to soar.

I've heard the moans of hunger,
I've even shared my meal.
I've counselled those in conflict,
And helped them to heal.

I've sewn beautiful gowns,
I've also clothed the poor.
I've cooked for our shop,
Welcomed people through the door.

I've been blessed with five children,
I've comforted them when they cry.
I've been a devoted wife,
I've watched my husband die.

I've sent inspirational messages
To those in need.
I've read to them from the Bible,
I've planted the seed.

I've prayed for others daily,
This is my legacy,
When I'm called home to heaven,
Left for all to see.

(By Doreen Hardie)
Jean Plateroti, our "Mrs P"
1932 - 2011
Rest in Peace Mrs P, your legacy will live on!
We miss you.
You were a guiding light to us all.

Love and blessings,

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