Friday, November 14, 2008

November 2008...Thank you Lord Jesus

Praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
May His Grace and peace be with you;
He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing
In the heavenly realms for all that you do.

He chose you before the creation of the world
To be holy and blameless in His sight.
He predestined you to be adopted as His child,
In love, through Jesus Christ, our light.

God in His pleasure and free will-
Gave you His glorious grace,
By sending His beloved Son Jesus,
To die for your sins and disgrace.

Through His painful death on the cross,
His blood bought you redemption.
You were included in Christ when you heard
His word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.

Having believed, you were marked with His seal,
The promised Holy Spirit,
Who guarantees your inheritance,
Nothing is earned by your own merit.

All things in heaven and on earth
Come together under one head;
With the Spirit of wisdom and revelation,
Along His path you are led.

The working of God's mighty strength,
Raised Jesus from the dead
And seated Him at His right hand,
So that you may have salvation instead.

He reigns above all power and dominion,
Every authority and title that's given;
Throughout the ages God has placed all things
Under Jesus, on earth and in heaven.

I pray that your heart may be enlightened,
By the hope to which you are called,
The riches of His glorious inheritance
On you He has out poured.

(By Doreen Hardie)

Ephesians 1

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