Wednesday, October 01, 2008

October 2008...Save me, O God

Lord, someone calls to You
For the salvation of his soul.
In his anguish, he looks for You,
As You can make him whole.

His throat is parched from calling,
Do You hear his voice?
His eyes fail, looking for the Lord,
Will he ever again rejoice?

"You, God, know all my faults,
My guilt is not hidden from You!
May those who believe, not fall,
Because of the sinful things I do!"

He is scorned by those who hate him.
He is mocked for having done wrong.
He endures his shame for God's sake,
He's become a stranger to the throng.

"Dear LORD, I pray to you,
To answer me with Your salvation.
In your great love, O God,
Show me favour over this evil nation."

God will pour out His wrath
On those who harm His children.
He will blot them from His book of life,
Guilty, never to be forgiven.

"I will praise God's name in song
And glorify Him with thanksgiving.
He has come to save His people who,
In God's way, are faithfully living."

(By Doreen Hardie)

Psalm 69

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