Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 2010...The Refiner

Today I walked a lonely road
Life’s troubles on my mind,
I looked for a friend to confide in
But no one could I find.

My burdens felt so heavy,
My heart was full of sorrow.
I felt God had deserted me,
How could I face tomorrow.

The intense burning within me,
Just would not pass away;
"What have I done to deserve this?"
Is all that I could say.

I looked through tears of grief,
From thoughts so dark & grim;
I was no longer here alone,
I saw the face of Him.

Jesus sat there so patiently,
His eyes never leaving me.
What was He looking for?
What did He want to see?

I asked Him to forgive me
For my life I'd lived in vain;
My sinful way of living,
Hadn't brought me any gain.

He gently lifted me up to Him,
Held me in His line of sight;
"Now I see My image in you,
You're going to be alright!"

(By Doreen Hardie)

Malachi 3:3

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