Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 2009...Enjoy the Moment

Do not dwell on your sinful past,
The Lord has had mercy on you;
Things forgiven should not last,
So rejoice now in all that you do.

Look at your life, in God's light,
Clothe your cares with thanksgiving;
Remember, to Him you are a delight,
With Him, each day is worth living.

Let God's Spirit straighten out your life,
Filling it with colour and new enhancements;
Trust Him to see you through pain and strife,
And bless you with enjoyable moments.

Resist the enemy, those who make you fall,
God's Word is your effective weapon;
Wait patiently, listen for His call,
The Lord is the only One to rely on.

All your victories come from above,
Bringing new life and salvation;
Feel your Heavenly Father's love,
Praise Him with joy and jubilation.

And enjoy the moment!

(By Doreen Hardie)

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